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Beijing Beijing car to carry out the contrast as sophisticated city, once again become a focus of attention, many people begin to pay attention to the rental market to carry out it, even many businessmen have begun to pay attention to it, this can be a fantasy in the city to open a car rental company that. Today, Beijing car rental in the mall to carry out the situation how?
According to speculation, in China's car market, short rent mall will adhere to in the future five years of rapid increase, year compound increase rate will reach 27%, is expected to market short rent planning will also be increased from 6 billion yuan in 2013 to 18 billion yuan in 2018 to December 2015, the District of Beijing City in the car rental company opened the number (the branch contains the company) 2616. China has become the world's fastest growing and most of the potential of the car shopping mall.
Analysis on the professional development of Beijing car rental:
1 Foundation Analysis
In 2015 1-7 month, Beijing new car sales volume is 275 thousand and 100, representing a total 12.58% decline; second-hand car cumulative turnover of transfer 396200 times, representing a total reduction of 0.43%, second-hand car super car sales 44.02%, the new car sale for 1:1.44. Capital accumulated in the sale of imported cars 37170, a total decrease of 14.85%.
2 situation analysis
According to incomplete statistics, in December 2015, Beijing City, the district is in the opening of the car rental company (including the number of branches of the company) has 2616. In the meantime, Chaoyang District car rental company up to 577, followed by Fengtai District and Haidian District, respectively, 385 and 259.
3 Beijing city retail professional analysis
According to the prospective industry research institute "2016-2021 year China's car rental market outlook and investment strategy planning occupation analysis report" shows, Beijing now has more than 1000 vehicles, 10 or so, the number of companies accounted for less than 2%, but the number of planning was accounted for more than 40% large companies, enhance the loan advantage between 500-1000 cars; the company has about 20 or so, the number of companies accounted for about 3% 100-500; the company has more than 70 vehicles between 100 vehicles; for lack of other companies.
Vehicle grade structure:
Beijing city car rental company is available for rental cars, small displacement cars are still the main models, 1.3-1.6 rise at the mercy of exhaust vehicles accounted for 40% total rental vehicles, 1.6-2.0, vehicle exhaust volume still accounted for around 50%. L.3 liters of the following vehicles accounted for 4% and 2 liters of exhaust vehicles accounted for 5% of the above, Beijing car rental companies still need more excellent company to maintain and carry out, learn from each other, and common progress.

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